
Hot Iron bag label

It's not Magic, it's Exceptional Planning

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The New Year is always a busy and challenging time for our Ironing Angels. The average order size is unusually high due to the Christmas backlog, and we commonly see a sharp increase in new customers. January really is a popular month, and it's at times like these when we're thankful...

Content women with a drink

How to get More Hours in a day

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It was 6 am, an earlier start than usual, but the day was jam-packed, and I was determined to get everything done. It was the usual breakfast rush, and everyone had left the house on time. I hadn't left the kitchen as clean as I'd like to, but I could always tidy up once I returned...

COVID19 Update

We're still open, although, for safety, we have altered some of our procedures. Visit our Announcement page for more information on our COVID procedures.