Ironing Services in Knowsley

Free Collection & Delivery

4.9 in Google reviews

How we Work

1. Check availability

Use our online form or call Lucy.

2. Booking in

We'll arrange a time and place convenient for you.

3. Collection

Claire, your Ironing Angel will collect in person.

4. Ironing

In a smoke and pet-free home, Claire will iron.

5. Delivery

Payment is due once Claire has returned your items.

6. Ongoing support

Lucy or Claire are always available to answer your questions.

10% discount on your first order.

Your Ironing is Safe

4.9 Average Customer rating


Years in business


Items ironed in January


Items ironed without issue

We iron with steam and not heat, producing a superior finish and reducing the likelihood of damages to near zero. However, our promise to you is that if we damage one of your garments, we'll fully compensate you.

Reviews from Google

Meet Claire, she'll be collecting your garments

Meet Claire, she'll be collecting your garments



Free Collection & Delivery

Introducing Claire

Claire is the epitome of organisation and attention to detail, hallmarks that make her an ideal fit for The Hot Iron's team of professional ironing experts. Living a content single life, Claire finds joy in maintaining a neat and orderly environment, a trait reflecting her slightly OCD nature. Despite cherishing her independence, she is deeply family-oriented, with a close-knit circle of her father, sister, brother, and a growing number of nieces and nephews, soon to be eight in total. Claire's love for her family is matched only by her passion for reading and aspirations of authoring her own book someday.

Professional Journey

Claire brings a wealth of experience from her tenure managing a hotel, where she honed her skills in all aspects of housekeeping. This background has seamlessly transitioned into providing top-notch local ironing services in Knowsley. Her conscientious approach ensures that every task is done to perfection, no matter how small. With her mantra of giving 100% to everything, Claire's professional skills and personal dedication make her a valuable asset to The Hot Iron, ideally suited to anyone in Knowsley searching for ironing services near me.

Service Excellence

Claire has found her stride at The Hot Iron, running a successful ironing service in Knowsley. Supported by a robust team at the head office, she excels in delivering a service that is not just about ironing but about enriching lives. With free collection and delivery, competitive pricing, and a professional yet friendly demeanour, Claire offers excellent value to those seeking local ironing services. Her approach is a testament to The Hot Iron's commitment to customer-focused, technology-driven solutions, providing high-quality and convenient ironing services to busy professionals, working parents, and all who value their time.

  • Knowsley, Covering postcodes, L34. ..

Get in touch

Phone or text message via our availability checker, whichever you prefer, contact us and we'll guide you through the process and arrange your first order.

Contact us
Company Information

The Hot Iron

Ironing services in Knowsley provided by Claire

Knowsley. Covering postcodes L34

0333 339 9964
Payment Methods:
Cash, Bank Transfer
Opening Hours

You can call on any day between 8am and 9pm.

8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
COVID19 Update

We're still open, although, for safety, we have altered some of our procedures. Visit our Announcement page for more information on our COVID procedures.